Friday, March 29, 2013

Jessica's Visit

Santa Monica Pier

Rock Sculpture at Getty

Another rock sculpture at the Getty

Jessica and the 4 fabrics (all Robert Kaufman's) and the pattern that she selected from my newest quilt magazine.

Carnell and I had a lovely visit with Jessica.  She came for a week and it was too short a time but we fit in lots of fun things with lunch out every day!  This morning, the day of her departure we traveled to M & L Fabric Warehouse in Anaheim so that she could select the fabrics for her and Tim's bedroom.  She has a great eye for color and it will be an amazing quilt, I think I will try a wool batting as they live in Seattle and the weather is damp and 
cool for a lot of the year. 


  1. I found your blog from the QuiltBoard. I am in AZ, but I LOVE M&L! I go whenever I get the chance and have even left Disney during the day for a break! I used a wool batt on my daughters quilt. It quilted like BUTTAH! She lives in South Dakota, so needs the warmth too. Its a washable wool batt. I think you will really like it!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and I did pick up the wool batting when Connecting Threads had their 30% off sale.
